BOOK in a time to speak with Mrs Campbell and Mrs Hrcka! Though bookings are not essential, it may be helpful to lock in a specific time within your schedule. Visit
All year 10 students will participate in a week of work experience during the week of Monday 24th November to Friday 28th November 2025 (Week 7 Term 4). It is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in a career area of interest and experience the workplace. Students are responsible for finding their own placement, though can visit the Careers Staffroom for support.
Student Placement Record (SPR): This is the official work experience document. Students must coordinate the completion of the Student Placement Record form in order to secure their placement. Please note parents must physically sign this document (no digital signature for parent section). SPR forms are due to the Careers Advisers by 17th October 2025 (Week 1 Term 4).
Vehicle Travel with Host Employer/Supervisor:
This form must be completed if you know your child will be travelling in a vehicle with the Host Employer or Supervisor whilst on work experience. This is essential for your child to be covered by the department’s insurance policy in the event of a car accident whilst on work experience.
Additional Information for Parents including Prohibited Activities List: It is important to read this so that you understand what activities are unavailable to students for work experience.
· Additional Information for Parents
Employers will frequently ask for this as they don’t want to cover work experience students under their own policy. The Student Placement Record and the Vehicle Travel with Host Employer/Supervisor need to be correctly filled out in all particulars for students to be covered by the department’s insurance policy.
Workplace Learning Guide for Employers: It is assumed in signing off on their section that host employers have read through this booklet and understand what their rights and responsibilities are in relation to hosting a work experience student.
Workplace Learning Guide for Parents and Carers:
It is assumed in signing off on their section that parents and carers have read through this booklet and understand what their rights and responsibilities are in relation to hosting a work experience student. This is also available in Chinese, Korean and Hindi.
Work Experience Digital Version LINKS:
· Vehicle Travel with Host Employer
· Workplace Learning Guide for Employers

Morrisby testing is a session for students to complete a series of assessments and questionnaires which will assist students in identifying their unique strengths, preferences, and interests. Results are interpreted and analysed with Careers Advisers in the context of careers and educational choices, giving students suggestions about possible career areas, subject choices and educational routes. The aptitude assessments help students to identify the direction of their abilities, and the attitudinal assessments reflect on what motivates them and how they approach work. In conjunction with a discussion with the Careers Advisers, Morrisby profile results can assist in forming ideas about future career and course options. Students have life time access to these results and can be revisited throughout their senior schooling. Link for Morrisby:
Year 10 is the time to start thinking about the future! Not just what you might like to study at school, but what you might like to explore beyond school. If you are undecided what you would like to explore after school, that is okay! Come to Careers to chat more about your ideas, interest and skills.
We suggest that students consider subjects that play to their strengths, interests and that they enjoy. This way, students are far more likely to succeed and persevere in their studies. Morrisby Profile results are a great way to start investigating career areas related to your interests, skills and aptitudes. Questions you might consider in the process include; Who inspires you? What do you like to do? What are you good at? Who can you talk to? What are my options?
Helpful Links:
- UAC Year 10 Steps to University 2025 online guide for more information:
- myfuture Interactive Career Bullseyes:
Once you have an idea of subjects, you could then explore university courses. Look into the related subjects to the courses and assumed knowledge or requirements to help narrow down your options!