If you haven't already met Mrs Campbell and Mrs Hrcka, please visit Careers Staffroom in the Library! For up-to-date careers information, advice and support on your journey towards future career pathways and life beyond school, come and chat with us. Even if you have something in mind, it is always good to discuss and ensure you have options, as things don't always go to plan - you may also discover ideas you had not considered!
You can book an appointment via the NSGHS Careers Website and explore the website for handy links and resources: https://www.northsydneygirlshighcareers.com/
Information on events and Careers resources are posted regularly in the NSGHS Newsletter and on the Careers Channel on Microsoft Teams for years 9-12 students. We encourage all students to regularly check the ‘CAREERS’ channel for reminders and industry updates, as information is posted on a daily basis!

Career Events are held frequently to connect and engage students with a variety of industry professionals, employers, university ambassadors, and NSGHS alumni. These valuable opportunities provide students the chance to engage, connect with and ask questions of university representatives, as well as practical activities designed to help foster career decision-making skills. We provide students with relevant information regarding various career pathways, scholarships, cadetships, study options and industry contacts on a regular basis.
Volunteering is a wonderful way to get involved with your community, meet new people and make a positive contribution to others. Volunteering also builds your awareness of possible career pathways and is a valuable component to include in your resume and scholarship applications. Students must be 16 years old. Visit Careers if you are interested in finding out more!
Students are encouraged to involve themselves in extra‐curricular activities such a sport, clubs and volunteering, throughout their years of schooling. Be sure to keep all relevant documentation, both for your own reference and to provide to the Careers Advisers for references. It is helpful to keep an e‐portfolio of all activities relevant to scholarship applications. It is important to note that it is the quality rather than quantity of activities that is significant in achieving scholarships, and that academic results are only one aspect of an application. Most applications are made online, with the school asked to verify and supply reports and references.
Helpful Links:
- North Sydney Girls High School Careers Website. For information to help you with finding your career path visit our North Sydney Girls High School (northsydneygirlshighcareers.com)
- UAC Year 10 Steps to University 2025 online guide for more information: https://www.uac.edu.au/assets/documents/year-10/year-10-booklet-2025.pdf
- 2022-23 UAC Guide: https://www.uac.edu.au/assets/documents/uac-guide/uac-guide-2022-23.pdf