The P&C, via an extensive team of parent volunteers, operates and supports various services within the school, including the canteen, clothing pool, extra-curricular programs in sport and music and school grounds maintenance.
Investing in our School
The P&C makes an active financial contribution to the school in various domains. The P&C has recently supported major capital investments in technology and infrastructure in support of plans put forward by the Principal. The P&C has also provided grants to school staff for teaching related personal development, and to students for a variety of personal and school development activities. The P&C draws its funds from a modest annual levy on all parents, along with commercial proceeds from the canteen and clothing pool.
Social Events
The P&C hosts several social functions each year, including a welcome function for new parents, fundraising events, and an annual dinner. Individual year groups typically organise additional social gatherings. The P&C has a Vice President dedicated to social activities aimed at building a community among the parent body, and is support by a team of parent representatives within each year group.
Member Benefits
The P&C offers benefits to its members including student insurance and preferential access to specialist retail loyalty programs
Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month during term time from 7:00pm. Each meeting includes an update and Q&A with the Principal, a speaker or presentation of general interest to all parents and the opportunity to find out what is going on in the school.
To contact the P&C please email to: nsghspandc@gmail.com