North Sydney Girls High School

Ad Altiora

Telephone02 9922 6666


Year 7

The Year 7 sport program is integrated into the PD/H/PE program. In Term 4 students participate in a swimming program. The students are placed into ability groups and work on stroke correction and improving their swimming fitness. In Terms 2 and 3 students participate in Dance, Gymnastics, Soccer and Netball. In term 4 students also learn some basic lifesaving.


Year 8

The Year 8 sport program starts in Term 4 with an intensive Life Saving, this program run by Lifeguard International teaches the girls important life skills in the water. The girls are involved in an intensive Beach Skills Day to finish the term. Terms 2, 3 and first 5 weeks of Term 4 the girls rotate in classes through 5 sports:- Basketball, Dance, Tennis, Volleyball and Rowing. Specialist coaches are employed to teach these sports.


Year 9-10

The Year 9 - 10 sport program consists of approximately ten sports each term, where students are given a choice. In years 9 and 10 students are given the chance to trial for one of the Grade Sport teams to participate in a competitive environment with the five other schools in the North West Metropolitan Girls Zone. The three Grade Sports are Netball, Soccer and Oz Tag. As with Year 8 sport all of the non-grade sports have coaches/instructors for part or all of the term. This program includes sports such as Urban Walking, Rollerblading, Fitness, Climbing, Tennis, Stand-Up Paddle..